Georgia Milestones Assessment System


BSA Milestones Testing Window

April 22 - May 3, 2024

Georgia Milestones End of Grade (EOG) Main Administration         

April 22 - ELA Section 1 (grades 3-5)

April 23 - ELA Section 2 (grades 3-5)

April 24 - ELA Section 3 (grades 3-5)

April 25 - Math Section 1 (grades 3-5)

April 26 - Math Section 2 (grades 3-5)

April 29 - Science Sections 1 & 2 (5)


April 30 - May 3 - Make-Ups

According to the Georgia Department of Education, "The Georgia Milestones Assessment System is a comprehensive summative assessment program and represents a single system of summative assessments that span all three levels of the state's educational system - elementary, middle, and high school. The system is designed to send consistent signals about students' preparedness for the next level, be it the next grade, course, or endeavor, such as entering college or beginning a career after leaving the K-12 educational system."
For additional information regarding the Georgia Milestones Assessment System, visit the Georgia Department of Education website. 
The Georgia Department of Education provides additional information and resources for parents and students. Click here to explore the various available resources. 
Georgia Experience Online provides additional practice for students.
Lexiles Scores & Milestones
How Lexiles correlate to the Georgia Milestones
click to learn more