Weather/Emergency Information
Severe Weather/Emergency Situations:
Early morning weather conditions created by floods, severe ice, snowstorms, or other weather-related emergencies sometimes make it necessary to close schools. The district has a plan for the emergency closings, delayed openings, and early closings if deemed necessary by emergencies or severe weather conditions.
The following radio/T.V. stations will carry this information: You can click on the logos below to link to the stations' web pages. (No link for WRZA Radio).
Early morning weather conditions created by floods, severe ice, snowstorms, or other weather-related emergencies sometimes make it necessary to close schools. The district has a plan for the emergency closings, delayed openings, and early closings if deemed necessary by emergencies or severe weather conditions.
The following radio/T.V. stations will carry this information: You can click on the logos below to link to the stations' web pages. (No link for WRZA Radio).